Error Message - No GPS, Weak GPS, Incorrect Starting Location, Map Will Not Follow in Route.
Root Cause - This can occur if the phone internal GPS sensor is not sending GPS data to Your Navigation Deluxe app.
Fix - The phone needs to be checked for various settings and reset to assist GPS function. If YND app cannot verify GPS data our app will not work.
Trouble Shooting Steps - iPhone
1st - Check & verify Battery Life is 50% or more
2nd - Verify Location Settings are set to On
Select Device Settings Icon, find & select General, find & select Restrictions (Enter password or You may have to create password).
Next under Privacy find & select Location Services.
In here verify Location Services is ON.
Next scroll down till you see YND app and verify set to always.
3rd - Hard Reset Device
Hold down both Power button and home key till device shuts off.
30 Seconds later turn device back on.
(Hard reset clears cache and makes device recheck GPS)
Now please retry to use the YND application out in the open - clear view of sky
If the Issue persist please try next step
4th - Uninstall & Re-Install Your Navigation Deluxe Application
Press down on Your Navigation Deluxe app icon till an X appears and starts wiggling. Then remove finger.
Press X on the YND app and you will prompted one more time confirming deletion.
Next please select App Store – Search “Your Navigation Deluxe”. Once found select Your Navigation Deluxe app & select Install or Cloud icon.
After downloaded, Select / Start YND app to install first time files & follow prompts.
Please try to use YND app out in the open clear view of the sky.
If the issue persist please try next step
5th - Install GPS Status (Pocket GPS)
Please find & select App store icon, search for GPS Status.
Select GPS status & select install or cloud icon.
Once installed start GPS Status app.
Good Fix or Excellent fix should allow our app to work properly.
If you are getting Poor Fix or Bad fix move to open area, however there may be an issue with internal GPS sensor.
If you are getting No Fix our app will not work, your device may have an issue with internal GPS Sensor, Telenav advises to check with your Cellular Carrier Support for Device issue.
If you are still having issues with YND please submit a request, Telenav support team will contact you as soon as possible.
Thank you,
Telenav Support Team
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